Customer Service Practitioner L2 EPAÂ
ST0072 Level 2 Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeship End Point Assessment.
We are a friendly, professional and supportive end point assessment organisation, approved by Ofqual to end point assess Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeships.
Our team of assessors are friendly, professional and will do their best to put apprentices at ease in order for them to achieve the best possible result they can from their EPA. We will always do our best to book an EPA date at a time that suits you; even offering weekend or evening assessment times, as well as a range of resources to help you prepare.
We know with customer service, it is essential the assessor sees the apprentice at a time when they are busy serving customers, and so we offer a planning meeting to review this with the apprentice and the training provider/employer to give the apprentice the best possible chance of success during their EPA.
We offer online and face to face EPA for this standard. Fees for face to face vary. Please email for details: info@a2atraining.co.uk or call 0121 294 5153.

Our EPAs
We are a friendly, professional and supportive end point assessment organisation, approved by Ofqual to end point assess Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeships. We offer:
- Results as quickly as we can, but always within 7 working days
- Support webinars and phone calls to help you plan for EPA
- Apprentice planning meeting to help them achieve the best grade possible
- Resources available to help centres prepare apprentices
We offer online and face to face EPA for this standard. Fees for face to face vary. Please email for details: info@a2atraining.co.uk or call 0121 294 5153.

EPA Requirements for this Standard
There are 3 elements to this EPA:
The showcase is to show the best pieces of the apprentice's work whilst on programme. With guidance from the employer and/or training provider the apprentice will select appropriate evidence from the on-programme portfolio to demonstrate the minimum requirements of the standard at the final stage of the programme. Our end point assessor will review the showcase and prepare questions to explore some topics in more detail during the showcase interview.
The practical observation will be pre-planned and scheduled to when the apprentice will be in their normal place of work and will be carried out by the Independent Assessor, normally remotely. The observation should enable the apprentice to evidence their skills, knowledge and behaviour from across the standard.
Those areas of the standard which are not able to be evidenced during the observation will be discussed subsequently as part of the professional discussion with the Independent Assessor and Q&A.
The professional discussion will be a structured discussion between the apprentice and the Independent Assessor, following the observation, to establish the apprentice’s understanding and application of knowledge, skills and behaviours. The professional discussion will take place online or face-to-face should last for a maximum of one hour. It will be appropriately structured to draw out the best of the apprentice’s energy, enthusiasm, competence and excellence. The purpose of the professional discussion is to: · clarify any questions the Independent Assessor has from their assessment of the learner journey and practical observation; · confirm and validate judgements about the quality of work; · explore aspects of the work, including how it was carried out, in more detail; · discuss how the apprentice would behave in specific scenarios, should they not have occurred within the practical observation; · ask questions in relation to personal development and reflection; · provide a basis for the Independent Assessor to make a decision about the grade to be awarded.
Our friendly, professional and independent end point assessors are supportive and encouraging every step of the way

We use ACE360 for secure EPA
We are delighted to have partnered with ACE360 to ensure all apprentice and training provider details are securely stored. ACE360 allows for training providers to upload Gateway and assessment evidence securely. We will also upload detailed feedback following the completion of EPA to the system.