Sales Executive L4 EPA
ST0572 Level 4 Sales Executive Apprenticeship End Point Assessment.
There are 3 EPA components which are assessed remotely using Zoom or Teams.
The Work-Based Project:
We will provide a list of topics for the work-based project for the apprentice to select from, which will be agreed by the IEPA and the employer. The apprentice then has 10 weeks to complete the project and upload to our system (ACE360). The word-count should be around 5000 words. The IEPA will mark the project and give feedback. The apprentice cannot move on to the next stage of the EPA until the project has been passed.
Presentation, Sales Pitch and Q&A:
The apprentice prepares a presentation and sends it to the End Point Assessor (via ACE360) 10 days before this part of the EPA is scheduled for. The presentation should last around 10 minutes, followed by a 5-minute explanation of how they prepared for the sales pitch. There is then a 15-minute Q&A session.
Professional Discussion (PD) supported by a Portfolio of Evidence:
The apprentice prepares a portfolio of their best work. The portfolio itself is not marked but frames the professional discussion. We have prepared a portfolio mapping document to help apprentices prepare for EPA which must be uploaded with the portfolio 10 days before the EPA. The PD has two parts: A 25-minute Q&A comprising of 5 structured questions and then a 25-minute discussion around some areas the IEPA wishes to explore further.
Before the EPA/Gateway
The apprentice/provider/employer must confirm evidence of readiness for EPA by completing our Gateway form and provide evidence of Maths and English functional skills at level 2 or equivalent.
Our friendly and professional assessors are supportive and encouraging every step of the way

Ofqual Recognised EPAO
Do you work in apprenticeships and looking for an alternative End Point Assessment Organisation? We offer end point assessment of apprenticeships for a range of standards, and offer excellent service and streamlined admin for centres. Email us for more details: Info@a2atraining.co.uk

Our end-point assessment team are friendly and supportive of Apprentices to help them achieve the best possible outcome.
Our systems and results.
We use ACE360 to record, share and store EPA information and results.
We offer fast results, when we can the same or following day, but we promise results to be delivered in less than a working week.