If you haven't passed your EPA the first-time round, you might be a confused by the two terms, re-sit or re-take and what difference they make to you, as an apprentice, or training provider.
A re-sit is normally when one component of the EPA has not been passed (depending on the standard so check the assessment plan for the one you are on). It means that you can re-sit the EPA quickly and you won't need to do lots of extra learning, but maybe a few tweaks. You won't be allowed to re-sit to improve your grade, so you can't ask, for example, to re-sit to go from a pass to a distinction grade.
A re-take normally means that more than one element of the EPA has been failed. This means the apprentice needs more support and therefore more training. The training provider and employer will need to make a supportive plan, and this should be documented. This plan should look at what areas of weakness there are and how these can be improved. The EPAO should give feedback on any failed areas to help with re-sit or re-take.
Each assessment plan is different, so please check.
The apprentice should NEVER be asked to pay for a re-sit, this is the responsibility of the employer/provider and fees should be agreed in advance but are ineligible costs so can't be funded by the ESFA.